nmcli examples


nmcli examples

List nearby wifi networks: $ nmcli device wifi list

Connect to a wifi network: $ nmcli device wifi connect SSID password password

Connect to a hidden network: $ nmcli device wifi connect SSID password password hidden yes

Connect to a wifi on the wlan1 wifi interface: $ nmcli device wifi connect SSID password password ifname wlan1 profile_name

Disconnect an interface: $ nmcli device disconnect ifname eth0

Reconnect an interface marked as disconnected: $ nmcli connection up uuid UUID

Get a list of UUIDs: $ nmcli connection show

See a list of network devices and their state: $ nmcli device

Turn off wifi: $ nmcli radio wifi off

作者: Petrus.Z

Created: 2021-09-01 Wed 00:39